Clean Aviation launched

Clean Aviation is Europe’s leading research and innovation program for transforming aviation towards a sustainable and climate-neutral future.

The Clean Aviation program is a central pillar in reaching the goal of a decarbonized aviation in the year 2050. In the framework of this research program, the aviation industry, research organizations (such as Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft) and universities work jointly on technologies, which will enable decarbonized flights in the future. These technologies include — amongst others — hybrid-electric propulsion, fuel cells for aviation use and hydrogen direct combustion engines. At the beginning of 2023, several research projects were launched within the framework of Clean Aviation. Fraunhofer EMI participates in the project UP Wing, which develops technology bricks for ultra-performance wing structures.

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The Clean Aviation program is a central pillar in reaching the goal of a decarbonized aviation.

UP Wing is a Clean Aviation project funded by the European Union under grant agreement ID: 101101974.