Fraunhofer EMI becomes AI consulting partner for the Japanese automotive safety market
Digital methods for data-driven design and virtual testing offer great potential in the development and production of new vehicles. Production times and costs can be significantly reduced. At the same time, data and knowledge engineering allows specialist knowledge to be preserved and used efficiently – especially with the help of AI.

However, this technological leap poses challenges for vehicle manufacturers: the new methods must be reliably integrated into existing development processes. At the Fraunhofer Institute for High-Speed Dynamics (EMI) in Freiburg, these methods have been researched for many years and further developed for practical use: both in the experimental and virtual evaluation of vehicle structures and in protection systems for occupants and road users.
Digital engineering technologies for the Japanese market
Fraunhofer EMI has now entered into a partnership with the JSOL CORPORATION in Japan. JSOL is a leader in simulation software for crash and occupant safety in Japan and offers advanced analysis technologies for numerous engineering disciplines. The partnership promotes the development and introduction of AI, machine learning and knowledge engineering technologies into the development processes of Japanese vehicle manufacturers.
First, the needs of Japanese car manufacturers and their suppliers in these areas are systematically surveyed and analyzed. The complementary expertise of both partners is then used to jointly design customized solutions for real-life applications. In the final phase, concrete proposals for joint R&D projects are then developed with the industrial partners.
In addition to the numerous collaborations with industrial partners from Germany and Europe, Fraunhofer EMI is thus expanding its access to the global automotive development markets. By transferring research results into industrial practice, the partners increase their efficiency and competitiveness.