RESISTO – Resilient communication

The reliable and secure operation of telecommunication networks, specifically within the context “internet of things“ and the evolution of 4G/LTE networks to 5G networks, plays a decisive role for economy and society.
In the framework of the EU project RESISTO (Resilience Enhancement and Risk Control Platform for Communication Infrastructure Operators), physical attacks, cyber-attacks and combined cyber-physical attacks and threats to current 4G/LTE networks and future 5G communication networks are studied. Methods and applications for decision support for network operators are combined in a user interface with the main goal of attaining a significant improvement of resilience in telecommunication infrastructures. An extended risk and resilience management process based on the ISO-31000 standard for risk management plays a central role. With this process, critical risks and potential countermeasures are identified. The resilience of the infrastructure and its improvement by any countermeasures are quantified based on dedicated network simulations, allowing for a qualified risk and resilience evaluation.